Monday, November 30, 2009

Lec 7 Political Possibilities

Today we have a guest who talked about the Political Possibilities.

The definition of Democracy is introduced. Democracy has both broadened and at the same time narrowed. It does not address the impact of the present period of rapid transition from an industrial to an information economy and the consequent challenge to the power of nation states by global economic and cultural processes. The increasing concentration, centralisation and commercialisation of the mass media appear to have foreclosed avenues for democratic participation in currently existing representative democracy. Deliberation and discussion are key attributes of democracy, however, the conflict between free speech and copyright continue to emerge in strange ways. In Australia we don't have the constitutional right to free speech. Only recently did the High Court find that free political expression was implied by the constitution and that was at the behest of a TV station concerned that they would revenue if political advertising was banned. Hacker has become synonymous with computer criminal. Hacking has developed beyond its anti-social and avant garde origins to incorporate any approach to any media that seeks to use hidden potentialities and anomalies in that media to open interpretation and debate. Thus the work of 'culture-jammers' in adapting bill boards to carry anti-corporate messages is a kind of a hack just as is doing similar adaptation to a corporate web site.

What opportunities can you find for political participation via the internet:How many of the following can you achieve while sticking to your political beliefs?
1. Sign an e-petition.
Signed “protect heritage” petition.

2. Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.

3. What is Barak Obama up to today?
President Obama plans to speak to Americans via a prime-time address December 1 about new plans for the war in Afghanistan, which has now lasted about eight years.

4,.Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
"In the Australian federal system there are three levels of government: Federal, State and Local. Each level of government is centred on a body (a parliament or a council) democratically elected by the people as their representatives. Each level of government has its own responsibilities, though many responsibilities are shared in various ways." Gold Coast city Council: Representatives:"Gold Coast City Council is a Local Government Council - part of the third or lowest level of government in Australia, often seen as being the most accessible to the people. Local government bodies such as Council have specific responsibilities, duties and limitations on their areas of responsibility or influence. You may have concerns involving an area of government where local Council is unable to act or advise. In these cases you may wish to contact your State or Federal government representative.";jsessionid=696625EB4508F076BBFBD3C33DCC6721 Government Member:"The Australian Federal Government is the highest tier of Government in Australia and consists of two houses of parliament - the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House of Representatives represent specific areas of their state (electorates). Decisions made by the House of Represenatatives are then reviewed in the Senate. Senators represent their state as a whole, rather than a specific electorate region - the List of Government Representatives of the Gold Coast Region is a handy reference of members of State and Federal Parliaments representing areas of Gold Coast City."Mr. Stuart Roberts MP LiberalContact details:Ph: (07) 5580 0355Fax:(07) 5580 (02) 6277 2106 (Canberra)Fax: (02) 6277 8441 (Canberra)Electorate Office Address:5 Cottonwood Place OXENFORD QLD

5. Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament.Qld Parliament offers condolences to flood, bushfire victims

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